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Wrap Around Care

Aims & Objectives

Holy Trinity CE Primary School Before and After School Club will aim to:

  1. Provide a safe, clean well-organised environment, which gives children the opportunity to learn and become independent within a well-structured group;
  2. Enable parents/guardians to continue with their studies or find and retain employment, confident in the knowledge that their children are being cared for in the way they would wish;
  3. Maintain good quality care providing a wide and varied range of activities;
  4. Ensure that our equal opportunity policy is put into practice at all times.

As adults we need to present a good role model for the children in our care as children can learn through imitating adult behaviour. Children can benefit from adult interaction and attention.

They also benefit from stimulation, and age and key stage appropriate activities, which help prevent boredom. We believe this approach encourages positive child development and discourages unacceptable and difficult behaviour.


Payments should be made on a Monday morning for the week’s provision for both Breakfast & After School Club.

In Emergency situations, your child/ren can attend the clubs on the same day providing you contact the school and there is space for your child.

Please note that there are also late charges allocated when children are not collected promptly by 5pm each evening.