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Sport and Clubs at Holy Trinity

Exciting news!!!  Greater opportunities for the children in PE 2024-2025!!

The Government have allocated each school funding for PE and sport. We expect to receive approximately £17,500.

We will be using this to provide the children with specialist coaches and teachers for PE and games during the week and running additional clubs at lunchtime and before/after school:

  • Classes 3-8 Monday Dance Club 3.30pm - 4.30pm
  • Classes 3-8 Tuesday Gardening Club 3.30pm - 4.30pm (Not during Spring 1)
  • Classes 5-8 Wednesday Culture Club 3.30pm-4.30pm (Not during Spring 1)
  • Classes 3-8 Wednesday Football Club 3.30pm-4.30pm delivered by Footsteps Sports Academy

(Dates, times and specific allocation for KS1/KS2 will follow at the beginning of each half-term with our list of extra-curricular clubs information and payment details).

The children will also have the opportunities to participate in a variety of Sports Festivals in KS1 and Sports Festivals and Sporting Competitions in KS2 throughout the year. 

Our staff will also have the opportunity to train with lead sports practitioners to ensure the highest quality provision for all PE and sport activities in school.

We have specialist coaches in school every week:

  • Tuesday - Hockey

This will increase over the year and will be updated termly. 

Updated January 2025