Keeping our children safe and happy is at the forefront of everything we do in school. All of our members of staff are trained in Child Safeguarding and PREVENT; to ensure any worries or concerns about any of our children are identified quickly and correctly.
If you have any worries or concerns about yours or any other child in school, please do not hesitate to contact us, through the members of staff below, or the governing board, if your concerns relate to a member of staff.
Child Safeguarding/PREVENT Leads:
- Nicola Oliphant DSL
- Jane Wells DDSL
- Hayley Cartwright EYFS DDSL
Child Safeguarding/PREVENT Governor:
- Richard Winterton
Staffordshire Children’s Advice Service (SCSA) number:
0300 111 8007
If you have any concerns, queries or questions or if something doesn't quite feel right that you have witnessed with a child, please phone the above number to speak to Staffordshire Children's Advice Service.
Family Support
We work closely with Malachi Family Support to aid our families with hands-on support with all and every challenge they may face. And let's face it; being a parent is a very tricky job indeed!
Malachi Family Support Workers will work predominantly with adults in the household to provide support for children and young people from the ages 0–19 years (up to 25 years for those with special educational needs and disabilities). Their aim of the service is to offer a range of therapeutic and practical support to families who are facing a range of challenges.
There are two different routes to follow:
Referral Based Family Support or
Family Access Service (FAS)
Please see their website for further details. Families can make self referrals or please ask for support from Jane to make the referral in school.